​​Johnson County, Missouri

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LEPC Meeting Documentation 

Emergency Management

Most Recent Agenda/Meeting Minutes.

Johnson County LEPC Meeting Minutes
Johnson County Local Emergency Planning Committee
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
May 28th , 2024
11:00 A.M.

Agenda Items

Call to Order                                                                                                                                         LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup

Roll Call / Introductions                                                                                                                    LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup

Approval of Consent Agenda                                                                                                            LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
D. Mayhew motioned to approve; J. VanWey seconded: All approved.

Approval of Meeting Notes                                                                                                            LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
D. Miller motioned to approve; R. Briscoe seconded: All approved.

Approval of Financial Report (on back)                                                                                         LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
J. Moore motioned to approve; D. Mayhew seconded: All approved.

Reports of Subcommittees                                                                                                                LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup

No subcommittees assigned.

Old Business                                                                                                                                        LEPC Secretary Tobias

Membership Roster (Final review & approve)

-D. Tobias opened a discussion on the need to approve the current membership roster, recognizing the MERC / By-laws requirement to approve this roster annually.
-S. Allen (MERC) stressed a concern that every member listed needs to attend regularly in accordance with Johnson County By-laws. – Further research and verification will be conducted by Vice-Chair Drerup and Secretary Tobias
D. Tobias motioned to approve the Membership Roster; D. Mayhe seconded: All approved


Risk Based Response to Battery Emergencies
-LEPC approved to spend an estimated $1,500 to bring the above course to Johnson County.
-Upon contact with course provider and a significant increase in course cost, an approval vote is required.
-An electronic vote was completed on April 23, 2024, to approve a cost increase of this course from an estimated $1,500 to either a 4-hour course for $4,750 or an 8-hour course for $5,950.
--Vote approved the 4-hour course for 4,750. | Vote result available upon request.
D. Miller will be scheduling this 4-hour course, and invitations will be sent as soon as possible.

Gasoline Tank Truck Specialist Course – Sep 21, 2024 – Johnson County Fire Protection District
This course was requested through the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Training Grant Application in September 2023.

Train Derailment Tabletop Exercise w/hazard – May 28, 2024 – EMA                   Les Boatright/Jennifer Fales
-Les Boatright facilitated the Tabletop Exercise
-Very good interaction and involvement. The After-Action report will be forwarded to the membership upon completion.

New Business                                                                                                                                       LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
S. Allen announced the extension for the mandatory fee collection as set forth in section 292.606, RSMo did not pass this year’s regular Missouri legislative session. Therefore, there is no Tier II collection, and MERC is searching for alternative sources of funding.

Annex H                                                                                                                                                LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
No discussion currently. Will be addressed through Local Emergency Operation Plan review beginning in June.

Other Business                                                                                                                                    LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
No other business was presented.

Public Participation                                                                                                                             LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
No information was presented.

Meeting Adjournment                                                                                                                        LEPC Vice-Chair Drerup
D. Mayhew motioned to approve; J. VanWey seconded: All approved.

Additional Information

2024 Meetings
August 27th, 2024 at 11A.M.
November 26th, 2024 at 11A.M.

Johnson County Emergency Management Agency
263 SE State Route 13
Warrensburg, MO  64093

This agenda/minutes was physically posted at the Johnson County Emergency Management Agency business office.
January 2024-December 2024